5 Best Practice Tips on Risk Management And Quality Improvement for Solo Practitioners.

It is important for regulated solo practitioners to be committed to ongoing quality improvement and risk management of their practice.



Ensuring the safe and effective provision of care services is paramount for the establishment, maintenance, and growth of any business. One key step to accomplish this is committing to developing policies and procedures that address risks and quality assurance of your private practice.

Following are 5 Best practice tips for maintaining a quality practice:

1. Recording regular feedback from clients

Incorporate as part of your practice the ability for your clients to share their feedback on the care you provide. Knowing what is working and what could improve, will help your solo practice improve the quality of care you deliver to your clients. You can use CompanyOn’s online forms to create and send a survey template to collect this information.

2. Measuring and documenting client care outcomes

Schedule times within your practice to review how your clients are progressing based on the care and treatments you provide is good practice. CompanyOn’s electronic documentation system allows you to chronologically and in detail chart the care you provide and the ability to update care plans whenever you need it. 

3. Awareness of laws related to your profession

Continuously, visit and review your regulatory and public health standards of practice and policies related to your practice and business. 

4. Consulting with peers and role models

Joining a professional network to discuss professional challenges and successes is of immense help. They provide you with resources and support that positively can impact your independent practice.

5. Regular review and revision of policies and procedures

As a regulated professional,  you are responsible to manage any risk and/or liabilities your practice can incur. As you are directly accountable to your clients, it is essential that you develop policies and procedures to support your business and the welfare of your clients, employees, and yourself. You should base these on evidence, best practice guidelines, and standards from your regulatory body.

Disclaimer: This information is provided in an attempt to heighten sensitivity, increase awareness, and enhance judgments on this topic. We encourage our audience to contact their legal advisor and regulatory body to learn more. CompanyOn does not represent or speak on behalf of any regulatory body. 

Best Practices On Risk Management and Quality Assurance For Solo Practitioners

It is important for regulated solo practitioners to be committed to ongoing quality improvement and risk management of their practice. Ensuring the safe and effective provision of care services is paramount for the establishment, maintenance, and growth of any business.

One key step to accomplish this is committing to developing policies and procedures that address risks and quality assurance of your private practice

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