Welcome to CompanyOn’s Product Retail Feature

This feature allows you to add and list products on your CompanyOn account, making it easier to offer and billing products as part of your services. Products can be billed together with your current services or separately.

Let’s show you how it works.

Head to your product module and click on create product

Next, add the information needed for each product you want to offer. You can add a serial #, a photo of the product, taxes, inventory, shipping and more. click "save" next.

Make sure to set up the percentage for each tax in advance via the admin module.

Admin Module taxes

All products will be listed in the product's directory. You will be able to edit a product by clicking on it or deactivate it by clicking on the "X" icon to the right.

Product list

Once a product is created, you will be able to add it as part of your invoices, add shipping fees if apply and bill together with other services you offer or independently .

Billing Prodcuts

You will be able to offer and bill products online as well via your CompanyOn Services Landing Page. To access the page, click on the subdomain you have created within your clinic's profile info.

Retail feature

Once a customer buys a product from your online store, a notification will be sent to you directly to your account .

Product online store Notification

Every order will then be recorded in the "Orders" module for you to process and deliver.

CompanyOn Product Order

That's it!

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For frree

Focus on  growing your practice instead of dealing  with day  to day  chaos of your  (manually run) processes.