How to Eliminate Paper For the Most Essential Processes of Your Business:

Paper is the bane of our existence. It comes in, it goes out, and we're left with piles of it all over the place.



The paper trail haunts us — whether it’s bills or receipts or the endless stream of paperwork and other detritus that comes with running a business. If you are tired of clutter, irritated by the lack of organization, and just want a way to get rid of that paper, we have a few tips for you.

1. With cloud based technology like CompanyOn you can scan all your patients’ records, upload them to their profile record and store them on the cloud. You would be able to get rid of storage space that you may be paying for, but more importantly, you will be able to keep records safe and access them from anywhere, whenever you need them.

2. As so many of us hustle between work, home, family, and many other activities and obligations we must have a way to keep track of everything. Of course, we have phones and other methods of keeping track of time. But calendars need to be mobile too. CompanyOn’s calendar addresses this need. It can be accessed from just about any device you carry such as phones and laptops, making it more convenient than the day planners of the past. Use CompanyOn’s Calendar to:

  • Schedule Meetings and Appointments
  • Set up Reminders
  • Block Time in Your Day
  • Create Recurring Event

 Now more than ever, organizations are prioritizing their need for automation of invoicing processes to better manage cash flow needs and save time. Businesses that automate invoices in the cloud not only get rid of painful manual work, but passively track, review and decide what and when to bill for. You will enjoy lower processing costs, faster invoice cycle times, improved client relationships and more effective cash management.

Going paperless is easier than you think. If you are using CompanyOn and are still using paper to manage your business, we encourage you to try all the features CompanyOn has built-in so you can continue growing a sustainable business by saving time, money and reducing clutter at your home or office.

With CompanyOn by your side, running your practice is that simple.

    At CompanyOn, we’re committed to supporting our community of solo practitioners, no matter where they are in pursuing professional independence. If you are interested in a particular topic you would like us to discuss, please let us know at [email protected].

    Related Resources:

    British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives

    College of Nurse of Ontario

    College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta

    College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta

    College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba

    College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba

    Canadian Nurses Association

    Canadian Nurses Protective Society

    Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses

    Best Practices On Risk Management and Quality Assurance For Solo Practitioners

    It is important for regulated solo practitioners to be committed to ongoing quality improvement and risk management of their practice. Ensuring the safe and effective provision of care services is paramount for the establishment, maintenance, and growth of any business.

    One key step to accomplish this is committing to developing policies and procedures that address risks and quality assurance of your private practice

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