How to Save Time by Planning Your Visits with CompanyOn Route Maps

As part of our goal to bring simplicity and convenience to your everyday activities as a mobile healthcare provider, let's discuss in detail how CompanyOn Client Route Maps, our latest feature for your mobile practice, can help you accomplish that.



CompanyOn route map
CompanyOn offers you two maps, a generic one that provides you with the overall geographical location of all your clients, and the daily route map that shows you the route for a specific day.

Overall geographical location of clients
You can even access your clients’ records from either map, bringing convenience, simplicity, and time savings to your everyday commute.


With our daily route map, you can filter the route by practitioner and date, providing the ability to see and plan ahead of time, your visits.


Your CompanyOn daily route Map is located on your dashboard for convenient access and within the calendar module. To access your generic map, please go into your patient module and click on the 🌎 icon.


To learn more, please check our tutorial here.

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