Security and Health Privacy: What Are the Duties of a Custodian of Health Records?

You might be a custodian of health records if you have access to client health and medical information.



Custodians of health records are legally required to ensure that all patient health information is kept secured, private, and confidential.

All provinces and territories have now adopted legislation governing the management of personal health information. Although it varies from one province or territory to another, the legislation is typically structured to identify the custodians of personal health information and set out their responsibilities for the collection, use, disclosure, retention and destruction of personal health information.

As a result, custodians are generally responsible for ensuring that personal health information is, for example:

  • Held in a secure location
  • Collected only as necessary to provide health-care services or with the consent of the individual to whom it relates
  • Accessed only by authorized staff members
  • Used, disclosed, and retained in accordance with the specific requirements of the legislation

In the following article by the Canadian Nurses protective Society, you will find more information to help you understand what a custodian is and the responsibilities it carries in relation to the management, privacy, and confidentiality of health records.

Disclaimer: This information is provided in an attempt to heighten sensitivity, increase awareness, and enhance judgments on this topic. We encourage our audience to contact their legal advisor and regulatory body to learn more. CompanyOn does not represent or speak on behalf of any regulatory body. 

Best Practices On Risk Management and Quality Assurance For Solo Practitioners

It is important for regulated solo practitioners to be committed to ongoing quality improvement and risk management of their practice. Ensuring the safe and effective provision of care services is paramount for the establishment, maintenance, and growth of any business.

One key step to accomplish this is committing to developing policies and procedures that address risks and quality assurance of your private practice

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