Confirmation & Cancelation of appointments online Feature

This feature allows your client to either confirm or cancel an appointment when as part of reminders sent electronically.

Let’s show you how it works.

Everytime a reminder of an appointment is sent by the platform as scheduled by the practitioner, in the email or text the client receives, an option to confirm or cancel their appointment is now included.

When a client clicks on the confirm tab, the platform will acknowledge that action, but will not notify the practitioner since no changes to the appointment were made. When the client does cancel an appointment, a window like the one below will ask them the reason for the cancellation.

Once submitted, the practitioner will receive a notification via email that an appointment has been cancelled and the appointment will show as cancelled (red colour) in the calendar.

Appointment message
appointment cancelled

That's it! The goal with this new feature, is to improve how your clients communicate with you in real time regarding their care.

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