
Tutorials CompanyOn app

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How to re-issue an invoice

How to re-issue an invoice and reverse a payment This feature allows you to annul a receipt issued by mistake and re-issue the respective invoice. This is a perfect solution to when a payment was tracked by mistake, either because the method of payment was wrong or...

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How to merge invoices

How to merge invoices This feature allows you to group invoices and submit them at once for your clients or a third party to pay. A good example of when to use this feature is when a facility contracts your services for its residents. You can use the merge feature to...

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eConsent form Templates

Welcome to CompanyOn's eConsent Template Forms Our eConsent form template allows you to create and customize a consent template for your services so your clients can make informed decisions in a simplified and consistent way.Let’s show you how it works.Try Our...

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Welcome to CompanyOn's Tags/Identifiers This feature allows you to assign any kind of alerts, be it for medical reasons or for specific information you want to identify your client by, such as location or special needs regarding their care.Let’s show you how it...

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Welcome to CompanyOn’s waitlist. This feature allows you to create a list of appointment times that are currently booked.Giving you an opportunity to remind yourself of such requests and schedule a visit as soon as an opening becomes available.Let’s show you how it...

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CompanyOn Product Feature

Welcome to CompanyOn's Product Retail Feature This feature allows you to add and list products on your CompanyOn account, making it easier to offer and billing products as part of your services. Products can be billed together with your current services or separately....

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