CompanyOn: The Benefits to Using Our Electronic Clinical Management Platform

by | Jun 16, 2020 | All, CompanyOn Features

Our secure cloud-based platform, CompanyOn, collects critical patient information and assists users in meeting professional and privacy obligations effortlessly. This reduces maintenance downtime, cuts overhead costs, saves time by eliminating repetitive tasks and paperwork, and enhances client engagement all at once.

Streamlined and Secure Data Handling

CompanyOn is a bespoke, secure cloud-based system that collects essential patient data, aiding users in adhering to both professional standards and privacy regulations. This system is indispensable for any medical practice, offering particular advantages to solo practitioners such as nurses, physiotherapists, and massage therapists within the healthcare community.

Key Benefits of CompanyOn’s Electronic Clinical Management Platform

Increased Accuracy

CompanyOn’s platform enables solo practitioners to tailor chart templates to their specific needs. These templates can be quickly set up and implemented, featuring customizable fields like short-answer, radio buttons, and checkboxes, which significantly reduce transcription errors and the reliance on handwritten information. Learn more about our customizable chart templates.

Complete Record Assurance

Practitioners can be confident that entries are saved only when all necessary data is entered thanks to the dynamic forms with mandatory fields. This ensures comprehensive and compliant patient documentation. Explore how our dynamic forms enhance practice efficiency.

Streamlining Communications

The platform facilitates secure online form submissions, optimizing the patient onboarding process. This efficiency allows healthcare providers to focus more on patient care rather than administrative tasks. Discover more about streamlining communications with CompanyOn.

Facilitating Provider-Patient Communications

In the context of COVID-19’s “new normal,” CompanyOn’s online forms support safe, contactless information exchange. Features like pre-visit COVID-19 screening tools can be customized and sent via email, aligning with public health and professional regulatory requirements. Read about our online forms and COVID-19 screening capabilities.

Reducing Paper Processes

CompanyOn’s electronic charting system modernizes and replaces outdated paper-based filing methods. This not only reduces printing and paper costs but also mitigates security risks, improves patient onboarding efficiency, and supports environmental sustainability. Understand more on reducing paper processes.


To discover these benefits and more, sign up for a free trial or book a demo today. Don’t just take our word for it—explore our customer testimonials to see how CompanyOn can elevate your solo practice. With CompanyOn by your side, managing your business becomes significantly simpler.

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